KK-Magazine-2015_38-1 copyWELCOME TO KENYAN KITCHEN…

Kenya’s premiere food and beverage magazine

This well established high quality, high value magazine is where you can always expect to find authentic, Kenyan recipes made with wholesome, homegrown ingredients to share with family and friends wherever you are.

If you live in the diaspora, then you can make this your ‘go to’ site for recipes you can use to celebrate Kenyan national holidays with fellow Kenyans or other friends. Or maybe you are wondering what else you can do with sweet potatoes besides boiling them? Check out our first online issue to find out – you will never look at them the same way again.

10264565_763498690391215_749832527727568898_nThe Kenyan Kitchen team is committed to giving readers up to date information as well as time-tested and beloved nuggets on nutritional and other lifestyle trends. In addition, there’s a reader’s forum where you can share tips on health, beauty, décor, travel, money and everything else that makes up the beautiful state we call life. And do keep an eye out for our exciting giveaways!

There’s also a shopping aisle for you to purchase lots of goodies, including back issues of Kenyan Kitchen magazine, as well as an events diary of all the exciting happenings around the country that you must make a date with.

For that and much more, join us on this exciting culinary journey through Kenya.
