International Award Winner  

10264565_763498690391215_749832527727568898_nThe is a journey through Kenya’s diverse countryside and ethic communities, a book of national heritage. A journey of culinary delights aimed at bringing back to life long forgotten recipes that our grandparents grew up on. Recipes made from ingredients that withstood drought and that were nutritious and healthy. Susan Kamau has selected these dishes and brought them to you without spoiling their authenticity.

Let’s cook Kenya made us proud when it scooped the 1st position in the world cook book awards 2014 which was held in Beijing. It was announced best in the world-local cuisine category.

store1What’s for dinner? How many times have you dreaded that question? For most of us cooking is a chore devoid of fun. Thanks to Susan Kamau’s Jikoni Magic recipe book, you can put these fears to rest with her exciting blend of local and international cuisine collection that will trigger your creativity and bring fun back into your cooking. Utilising locally available ingredients, she’ll show you step-by-step how to mix and match your ingredients to make simple and delicious meals that will surely tickle everyone’s taste buds.


Available at good book stores in major malls, Nairobi and Mombasa.
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